About me

Hi, I’m Ariel!

I’m a UX/UI Designer based in Munich. From my time working in a nonprofit, I knew that I wanted to continue to work with and help people, but I never thought I’d be able to do it in a way like user experience design. It’s the perfect meld of people-based connection and research, problem-solving, and technology—all things that I enjoy!

I love working on tricky, technical topics and projects and turning them into simple, user-friendly digital experiences that anyone can get the hang of. Each project's unique challenges keep me on my toes, and there's nothing better than seeing design make a real difference.

When I’m not coming up with design solutions, you can find me baking in my urban jungle flat, cruising the countryside on a bicycle tour with my husband, or out at the lake with my friends and few Bavarian beers.

See resume
Image Ariel

© 2023 Ariel Korsten